Toegiften in het nieuwe jaar vanuit Amerika

Marlene Ulsh

Toegiften in het nieuwe jaar vanuit Amerika

Deze bijdragen waren bij ons tussen de wal en het schip geraakt. Marlene en Rhonda hebben dit geschreven op uitnodiging van onze Jack Luiten hier in Zoeterwoude.

Thanks for including us in the making of the Stompwijkse dorpsketting! Here’s my contribution:

Even though I have lived most of my entire life in the US, I love Stompwijk and feel as if I belong there too. I have visited there twice and enjoyed its cobblestone streets, quaint cottages, the canal and it’s bridges. Most of all, I enjoyed seeing the house where my mom (Wilhelmina C. Luiten) and her parents and family of 10 children lived at Stompwijkseweg 78. Many of her memories were told to me and have been embedded in my mind. Of Christmas Eve, she told me how they would traditionally go to the kerstnachtmis at the Laurentius Kerk. Some of the family would stay behind to prepare a Christmas morning meal, which included krentenbroodjes and many other goodies! She loved the memory of the “Familie Luiten” celebrating the birth of Christ together as one big family.  

Thanks for allowing me to share. Prettige Kerstdagen!

Marlene Ulsh (Waasdorp-Luiten)

Beautiful Stompwijk,

rhonda luiten

with beautiful people, my parents native land, we wish you all of Gods blessings and a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! 

All the best from California, Rhonda Luiten-Cornell